This High quality and High Class AUQUEST Cream is the best Anti-aging & Anti wrinkles product you will ever use because it starts working instantly.

Not tommorow , Not in 7days, It starts working Instantly within 5seconds of using it.

  • This Product makes your face look Far younger 

  • Reduces fine lines and Prevents wrinkles Instantly

  • Brings out your real complexion and gives your skin an attractive glow

  • Brightens  and smoothens the Face

  • Improves loose skin

  • Lifts and moisturizes the skin, keeping the skin Firm and Hydrated

  • And stops/ reverses aging.

Also  removes dark spots and brightens the skin/face 

  • Zero side effects. Does not Bleach

  • ​​​​​​​Sold only one Place in the country

  • Only 39 Pieces Left​​​​​​​

And you can get it now @ 49% discount Price and start getting results almost instantly. And have it delivered to you very fast.

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Get 1set (2 packs) @67% Discount Price >>N13,000 

Normal Price for the Original Auquest Anti Wrinkles & Anti Aging Cream: N17,460 ($49) Per Pack

Promo Price for the First 29persons

Get 2sets (4packs) @70% Discount>> 20,000naira

All Orders are Pay on Delivery

For all Enquiries Call / whatsapp 08171661595

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1 set (2 pks) @ N13,000 (Recommended)

Time is Running Out because our stock is almost finished. Place that Order Now

FINALLY! The Ultimate  Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream That Clears Wrinkles Super Fast is Here.

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Over 13497 women worldwide use it with Breathtaking and Amazing Results.

And now; you can get a bottle for yourself today

But Hold On, Let me show you first why this cream works so well even better than any other cream you have bought before, then you can decide if you want it or not.

Have You Ever Wondered Why Although You Are Exactly The Same Age With Some People But They Still Look Younger Than You?

not only this. You may have seen some people that look as if their skin do not age. No matter how old they get.

The Reason is Because They Have Plenty of 2 Proteins Called ‘Elastin’, “Collagen’’  On Their Face This Keeps the Face Firm and Tight…

As You Grow Older Or Use Make Up Your Elastin & Collagen Begins To Disappear and This Makes Your Face Sag

The Moment You Start Losing Elastin & Collagen; Your Face Begins To Sag and Wrinkles Set In. ​​​​​​​

Right now it is happening to you. All the side of effect of your make up are kicking it. Aging is bursting open your collagen and shrinking all of them to death.

…it would get worse as you grow older. And as your face sags it would squeeze it up and shrink it till you start looking old and haggard.

What You Need Is To Pause The Aging & Shrinking Happening Inside Your Face Right Now…And Reverse it Instantly

The question you may be asking now is ‘’How can I do this?’’

    Simply Replace The Elastin &  Collagen Already Lost On Your Face, And Then Grow Back More To Fill Your Face And Make It Tighter.

That Is How

Science has finally discovered a solution for wrinkles.

And right now you can be able to easily remove wrinkles from your face in exactly the same way you remove pimples.

It sounds too good to be true, yes, but it is really true.

And here is proof on one of the biggest newspapers in all of  the world!!

Introducing the 2 – in – 1 AuQuest Instant Wrinkle Remover Cream

See What Our Happy Customers are Saying about This Amazing Product

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I believe you may know this Lady, She's  45years old , but can you see that she looks like she's 27

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OR this Lady

 She is almost  47years old , but still looks 28

This Cream is a super active and fast acting Wrinkle Remover cream with solid anti aging effects.

The "Auquest Instant Wrinkle remover" was discovered after 7 years of rigorous research by a team of 7 professional American dermatologists

And that is not all;

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And they are not the only one!!

More than 1000 persons, just like you, have already bought this cream….and every single day the testimonies keep pouring in.

It is totally amazing…..this cream is practically taking the whole of the country by storm and its effectiveness is completely blowing people’s minds – big time. ​​​​​​​

  This cream kicks in instantly and starts knocking the wrinkles off your face, by the 9th day you’d start seeing visible signs of improvements.

In less than 28 days more than half of your wrinkles would have been wiped off, and by the 38th day you would be looking 7 years younger than your real age – completely guaranteed.

This  Cream is very Rare & Scarce in the Country

But you have a chance to lay your hand on it today. When you place an order for a bottle, we are going to send it to you and you only pay after the product has been delivered to you.

You’ll get a special FREE SHIPPING package to anywhere in the country when you order today. You pay for just the product when we deliver to you….

Time is almost up: Order Now or you will Miss out and Regret it because finding the "Original AuQuest Instant Wrinkle Removal Cream" is hard and finding it at this massive discount is even Harder. We will run out of stocks soon and you will loose. Avoid the Christmas/new year rush & Order now